Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Challenge: A Tape a Day

Hi guys.  I am really excited about a new project, and I hope some of you will join me.  Last night, our youth group leader issued a challenge to us.  I was awake for hours last night with exciting ideas running through my mind.


to a preaching tape a day for one week.  Do this with friends, everyone listening to the same message.

in your Bibles.

with each other what you got out of the messages.

Tape A Day Club  THIS IS THE BLOG LINK (the blog is just in initial stages of development, but it will get the job done).

It would be difficult to put a hard copy of the same tape into everyone's hands every day, so the blog is perfect.  And that provides an excellent gathering spot for discussion.  It's currently open to the public, but if I feel we can't safely operate that way, we'll have to make it a closed community by invitation only.
My plan is to post the next day's file late at night, so if some of you choose to listen early in the morning you can.

I want to try this for a month. We are all busy, and I know that it doesn't seem like we can afford to give an extra hour a day, but after thinking about it, I can't afford NOT to try it. Why don't we prove God, and see if He doesn't give us more time because He likes what we are doing?

Brandon, maybe you could selectively share the idea with some of the kids on Facebook that were there last night.

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