Saturday, January 7, 2012

take time

As I looked in the mirror this morning, the words I couldn't help but speak aloud were this: "I wonder if I will ever NOT look tired again."  I truly feel that way.  Kristy said she's had the same thought.

We both have a lot of irons in the fire right now.  If my face passes through your mind, PLEASE pray that I can manage my time with God's help.  An encouragement He gives me often is the verse that says "This is not your rest."  The other day, we sang "We'll work 'till Jesus Comes."  There's a stanza that goes like this...
Oh, land of rest for thee I sigh
When will the moment come?
When I can lay my armour by
And dwell in peace at home?

I am not complaining, truly I'm not.  I am blessed beyond belief.  I love being busy.  But I am having trouble discerning what the priorities are right now... WHAT do I focus on first?  It all seems important.

Today, I found a priority.
Lunch Date with SuperMan.

Upon picking up this excited young superhero, he made me laugh.  A laugh that eased the tension of the last 5 months of busy, at the very least.

"Let's go, Bay-bay!"  all saucy-like