She was my childhood best friend, and cousin, Dana. We were four, and Calvin was two, Grandma was sitting with us at the table having lunch. Calvin and I couldn't drink without getting the red moustache, but DANA could. Sweet little Grandma held her up as a shining example... "Anna, watch how Dana does it." All I could see was how smug Dana looked that she could do something I couldn't. If I wouldn't have gotten paddled, I probably would have slapped her. And that is how Dana and I's childhood went. Most of the orneriness was on my part, she really was a good little girl.
We went through several sets of Best Friends jewelry... you know, the broken heart pendants, one half says Friends, the other says Forever. You can match the pieces up. When she moved, we wrote a lot. I still have some of her letters as bookmarks in my Bible. We experienced a lot of life together. Through her graduation, wedding and birth of her first baby, I got to be there. What a gift. I love watching her finally experience the sweet joy of motherhood with her four little ones. Dana's mama went on to Heaven ahead of us when we were little girls, but she obviously was quite special because my cousin comes by this Mommy stuff pretty naturally. The years, miles and the journey of life has distanced us a little, but when you're family the distance is never too great. You can always pick up right where you left off.
Can I touch her hair? Dana & Anna, it started in 85.
Cousins, maybe 87.
Gathering at our house, maybe 87.
The cousins, Aunt Julie & Aunt Charlotte at a branding
Anna, Dana, Clayton, Calvin, Jordan, Kristy
Thanksgiving in Canada
Dana, Anna & Calvin
Milking Cows with Grandpa in Canada
Family reunion, I think it was in 1999. We were 13 or 14.
Grandma had her VERY first plane ride that day. All of us cousins laid on the ground and spelled out "HI" for her when she flew overhead. That was one of the best memories.
This one's out of order, but Dana spent a lot of time with us on the ranch. 3 little rednecks.
Grandpa, Zach, Calvin, Anna, Dana, Grandma. 2003 maybe, I think we all just randomly ended up at Grandma and Grandpa's at the same time. My very favorite thing about this picture is Calvin's scar in his hair. What a memory. It's probably not that fun for him to remember, but at a family reunion all of us cousins were playing with a bucking barrel and Calvin got bucked off and cut his head open. Poor kid. But that reunion was a blast, all those cousins camping and playing for a whole week during the hot summer days.
2003, I went over for Dana's HS graduation.
Yes, we are the future. Be afraid, be very afraid.2005, one of those milestones. Dana's now a Mrs.!
Cousins Anna, Dana, Dani, & Kristy
Guess who caught the bouquet? Me of course. Kristy says I cheated. She actually caught it first, and was holding the flowers carefully at the top, but I grasped the stems and quickly pulled them from her grasp. I think that voided my chances of getting married rather than helping them. Oops.
2007. Abby, Dana & I after a prosperous day of huckleberry pickin'. I need to come see you this summer Dana, or something!
And that is it. The journey of our friendship in a few pictures. Dana, God blessed me richly by putting you in my family and allowing me to be a part of your life. You are an inspiration to me often, even though I haven't seen you in years and we rarely talk. Keep enjoying your little family, its fun to watch. I hope you enjoy the pics, the scanner was NOT being nice, so the quality isn't great. Love ya! Anna Banana

And still no koolaid moustache!
thank you Anna, that was sweet.
ReplyDeleteAhem... yeah, I'm pretty good at drinking Koolaid.