Monday, January 25, 2010

Step aside Betty Crocker.

I am on vacation this week (oh glorious joy! Somebody pinch me, this cannot be real) and decided to try my hand at domesticity today.  Much to my surprise, it worked out okay.  I made an edible dinner.  No one died.  The house didn't catch on fire.  I didn't break any dishes.  I didn't cut myself.  I did cry a lot during the cutting of the onions.  Below is documentation.

Konigsberger meatballs, from our German cookbook.

I cry every time.  Does anyone have a trick that actually works?

Capers.  I had never had them before.  I still don't know what they are.
They remind me of tiny little green olives.
Hey, maybe that's what they are.


Clean up.

Thank you to my dedicated paparazzi, Kristy.
She was also the brave soul that partook of my culinary masterpiece.


  1. Hey Anna, love the blog!!!
    Looks like an amazing dinner!!!
    BTW, if you chew gum while chopping onions your eyes won't run, haha sounds weird, but it works for me...

    Anyways love the blog, keep it up!!!


  2. I bet it was delicious! I really enjoyed the night that we came over and had dinner with you! We'll have to do it again soon!


  3. UPDATE...
    Capers are little buds from a prickly plant. See link:

    Flynn, thanks for the tip with onions.
    These are the various things I've been told:
    * Hold two matches in your mouth (unlit)
    * Lemon Juice on your hands first
    * Chew Gum
    * Ski Goggles
    * Rub your hands on your metal faucet to remove the onion smell afterwards

    The last time, I soaked my hands in lemon juice and chewed gum, and that has seemed to be the most successful combination so far.
