Friday, April 20, 2012

home is where the deodorant is...


What a whirlwind these days are.  Please pray for us.  My brain is so scrambled that I'm more absentminded than ever.  If I had a penny for every time I've forgotten to zip up my pants the last week I'd have a dime.  I lose my keys on a daily basis.  I've had to have Kristy come jumpstart me because I left my car lights on, again.  I locked my keys in my car at church, again.  I worry so much about forgetting deodorant that I found a stockpile of 3 full size containers in my travel bag.

I was housesitting for a week and a half.  Then I went straight to a Photo Class weekend in Billings, I could write a whole chapter about that.  I'm so excited, SO excited about photography.  Particularly journalistic style, as I have a burden to tell Moldova's story.  And Dana, I met another girl JUST like us.  We do need to work on our Project M, she would be so on board! :-)  This weekend I'll catch up.

Kristy leaves in 4 days for Moldova.  She will be there for 2 weeks this time.  She is going with a group of dentists from Oregon, and they will be doing dental work in the villages.  She's taking as much baggage as possible so she can leave things there for when she moves later.

We have so many things to get done.  So many.  Legal paperwork.  Media projects for the Hamiltons as they continue to raise support for the Hannah House.  Bank accounts for transferring money internationally.  Garage sale.  Dates with Superman.  One-on-One time with Squeakers.  Time with friends.  I want to hike.  I want to fish.  I want to SOAK IT UP.  This Montana, this United States of America.  This love I am surrounded with.  The smell of country.  Hugging my dad.  The baby calves.  The weathered old ranchers who I've known since I can remember, I want to memorize the lines in their leathery faces and the twinkle in their eyes.  The lines of the majestic mountains stretching out underneath our big blue sky.  Mentally recording my Mom's stinker giggle.  Spending time, spending time, spending time...

I'm learning as much as I can, trying to be a sponge.  Everything we can learn is something we can teach those orphans.  They NEED that.

The one thing I wish I could have learned before leaving is singing.  Oh I wish I knew more about 4 part harmony.  The girls (and the boys) would SO enjoy singing.  I just wish I knew more of the science behind parts.  I need to find someone to glean this knowledge from.

Eventually, I'll start a photojournal of this journey.  Thanks for praying!
The M ladies dressed all matchy-matchy in our home-sewn gingham finery.
Resurrection Sunday

Squeakers turned 1!

My first ever storage unit.
Weekend goal: 4 more boxes to storage!


  1. Love your dresses... someday I'll make fancy matchy dresses for the girls.
    I was thinking I could host a linky party for Project M once a week or every other week (or you could since it's your idea... not trying to steal it, just figured you were busy enough). I just don't want host a linky party and be the only one there :) so...

  2. So I'm sitting here doing my music homework right now and I started thinking about you 'cause pretty much half of what I'm learning in music theory right now is four part harmony! So just give me a few more years and I promise I'll come to Moldova and teach you all about four part harmony!
    Keeping you in my prayers! Flynn

  3. Dana. You go girl! I'm much too irresponsible to host a linky-party. But I will definitely come to yours! Can't wait to see you soon!

    And Flynn.... wow. That is pretty amazing. I love how God weaves life together in such a beautiful way. :-)
