Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Good Stuff: rent this DVD

My family got together out at Mom and Dad's new place the other night.  We rented a couple of videos, and one of them was one of the best movies I've seen in years.

I watched it twice.  It had us laughing and crying.  Its a clean family movie.  No cussing.  No sex.  Its not religious really, but an AMAZING story.  I wish everyone could go through this in real life.

At a crucial point, my nephew was falling asleep on my brother's lap, and wanted water.  My brother asked me to fill the sippy cup.  Upon giving it back to him, he said "Did you put anything in it?"  Of course I did.  "An inch?  Anna, are you serious?  You couldn't spend 3 more seconds and FILL the cup?"  Absolutely I could not.  This is an important scene Dude.  Besides, do you want him to pee the bed?

Rent it.
"The Ultimate Gift"

1 comment:

  1. love that one! Seen it many times and never seem to get tired of it!
