Saturday, July 2, 2011

3rd paragraph is where it gets interesting

We had a great Bible conference.  I needed it bad.  My whole family did.  When I was little, I always thought the conference meant BIG things.  Big decisions.  Big ideas.  Being called to the mission field.  Surrendering your life for full time ministry.  Its not like that for me anymore.  The older I get, the more I realize that the Christian life is not about the big things.  Its just little things, day by day.  And the conference is a week set aside every year when God pulls me back in the boat just when I feel like I can't keep my head above water anymore.

Change is in the air.  My dad retired this month.  Yeah.  That's big.  The conference this year was perfect timing because I am finally realizing that change is okay.  I don't know what God might do with my family... maybe nothing unusual.  But... maybe....  just maybe... change is in the air.  I could be living in Kalamazoo next year for all I know.  Pastor Fisher's message on not knowing the goal was just what we all needed.  You don't ALWAYS get to know what the goal is, just follow God.

Dear Tall Dark and Handsome Man.  Where were you?  Everyone kept asking me if I met you this week.  No.  I did not.  Finally I told them that you weren't there because you were out working hard.  You were probably out roping cows or building houses, or maybe saving lives or flying an airplane.  And I like that about you.  But good grief man, someday you should take a break from all that work and meet me.  Some preliminary things you should know... I like flowers, particularly daffodils.  Manners make my heart go pitter-pat.  I hang out at Safeway and church a lot, you might run into me there.  Brush your teeth.  I am stubborn.  Don't buy me low-fat ice cream.  Don't make me compete for you, because when it comes to matters of the heart, this girl is extremely insecure.  Don't make me guess or I'll bolt faster than you can blink.  Make me laugh.  I'm a gusher; do something nice and I'll gush every time.  Teach me stuff, like how to catch a football. I look pretty stinkin' cute in my dental scrubs.  Do stuff with my brother.  Let me hang with your family.  They'd LOVE me, you don't even know!  K.  Got all that?  See you around TDH Man. 

My photography "hobby" is turning into a bit of a geyser.  Its gonna blow.  Its just a matter of time I think.  This is scary for me, its like waiting for toast to pop up.  I jump everytime unless I walk out of the room.  To be quite honest, I think I'm scared of success.  Stupid girls.  We just don't make sense, do we?  :-)

Well, goodnight my 2 or 3 readers.   I don't think it really matters if anyone reads this, its more of a "dear diary" kinda entry, so even if nobody sees it, I got to write it out.

1 comment:

  1. It's all only a matter of time. :) Waiting isn't easy.
