Thursday, January 20, 2011

Good things

We are mailing out Bible Conference flyers tonight!  Hooray!  June is just around the corner guys.

I finished the blue dress a couple weeks ago.  It is absolutely awesome.  I'll have to take some full length shots of it, the back has a kick-pleat.

I really love my new job.  And... I get to wear scrubs.  Initially this dissapointed me.  I like to dress with flair.  However, I'm learning that scrubs can have flair.  And there's a certain exciting confidence that comes with donning a medical uniform.  Like I totally know what I'm doing, and they're in good hands with me.  Which will be true soon enough.

My newest photography client was product photos for a line of coffee beans.  WAY FUN!  I'll post some pictures of them soon.

Ahhh, life is good.  :-)


  1. What I meant to say is... God is good.

  2. I like the banner (?). Anyways...the picture up top! Dolores gets her scrubs on line. There is an infinite variety, and they are cheap, and kinda sexy so I like them too. You've been busy, retirement didn't last long!

  3. Reminds me of one of my favorite sayings...
    " God is good all the time - all the time my God is good."
    Glad to hear your enjoying work so much, and the photography is progressing.
    I have some awesome news that I'm dying to share with my besty.

  4. Scrubs = sexy. Got it. Thanks for that Uncle Stan. Now I'm going to feel self-conscious on a daily basis.
