Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hey Debbie Downer, leave the magpie alone

This summer, I was getting in my car to head to work. There were magpies in the yard as usual, I didn't even look at them. Then I heard a sound that was slightly different, and it caused me to look up.

There was a one-legged magpie hopping around on our fence.
{The magpie will henceforth be referred to as Roger}

I thought about him on the way to work, and was almost in tears. It had been a beautiful sunshiney day, birds were singing and life was good. Until I saw Roger.
(Weird? Yes. Am I going to apologize for having a soft heart? No.)

I worried about him, thought about taking him in and feeding him, etc.
But then God used it to teach me something. He asked me if Roger felt sorry for himself. I thought, "No." He asked me if Roger looked healthy and happy with his ONE leg. I thought, "Actually, yes."

Here I was, trying to fix Roger's problems. If I could have sat and talked to him, with as sad as I was for him, no doubt Roger would have ended up feeling sad for himself too.

When life got difficult, Roger just pressed on and adjusted. He made it work. He is living a happy and productive magpie life.

If I had stepped in, he probably would have learned nothing but to feel sorry for himself and depend on my hand-outs. He wouldn't have had to learn the lessons and experience the growth that God had planned for him. I know the Bible says to weep with those that weep, but hey! If they're not weeping, leave them alone. Give them a boost. Encourage them. Let them learn to adapt. They will be much happier.

We are still talking about Magpies, right?

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