Thursday, October 6, 2011

Small Miracles, Hope

Remember the man I've asked you to pray for?  Tom.

I want to share with you a Facebook update from my precious friend and his wife, Susie:

I believe this may very well be the first time I have ever posted on the so called "wall" but I just have to share.....WE HAVE SHRINKAGE!!! Finally the news we and so very many others have been praying for. Tom had another MRI here in Salt Lake at Hunstman and the tumor has shrunk considerably. We are so excited and happy, and just want to thank everyone again for all the love and support shown to us. The power of prayer and friendship is AMAZING!! THANK YOU - THANK YOU - THANK YOU!!
My God is SO GOOD.  Please continue to pray, especially for his soul.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Departure soon

Moldova: the journey begins technically on Wed. night, Oct. 12th.

Please pray for us, my heart already loves them so much.